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Scotty Wilbanks

Canton resident and family man Scotty Wilbanks credits his wife as the hero of the household, but this humble husband isn’t your typical Cherokee County father of three. He’s a multi Grammy award winning musician, Grammy nominated record producer and artist development pro who has worked full-time in the music business for more than 22 years....

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DIY Holiday Decor

As anyone who fills their Christmas tree with family heirloom ornaments knows, a personalized or handmade touch to your holiday decor really brings home the true sentiment of the season—time well spent with family and friends. Get a jump on your holiday decorating with these simple (and oh so cute) projects. Then, sit back and enjoy the fruits of your craftiness this holiday season....

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How does a backyard cook go from weekend griller to award-winning pit master with three successful barbecue joints, and counting? Equal parts creativity and boundary pushing with just a dash of dumb luck, according to Canton resident and Bub-Ba-Q owner William “Bubba” Latimer. ...

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